There may be no greater joy than being tackled by your giggling toddler, squeezed into a bear hug, and smothered in kisses. That’s the kind of thing you might have daydreamed about when you got that positive pregnancy test.
You probably didn’t daydream about the laundry, dishes, and tantrums. You probably didn’t daydream about how tough motherhood can sometimes be -- especially these days.
For those tough times, affirmations can help break up some negative messages we might be receiving or sending ourselves. We pulled together 10 of our favorite parenting affirmations. Bookmark this page or download these affirmations for when you want to feel more positive.
As moms, we know how hard it can be, but we want to remind you that you’re doing an amazing job. Be gentle with yourself.
For more support and encouragement, check out these breastfeeding affirmations, and for mantras for maintaining milk supply, check out this blog by LaTisha Cotto.