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3 Self-Care Tips for When You Are Expecting

3 Self-Care Tips for When You Are Expecting | Kindred Bravely

3 Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Some women thrive in pregnancy, others find it tiring, and still others spend every day wondering how much longer it will last. No matter what your experience is, you can’t go wrong with taking some time for yourself before your little one arrives. What are your favorite pregnancy self-care tips? Comment below!

Sleep for two.

Every pregnancy is different, but you’ll probably need to get more sleep each day. And since sleep might soon be in very short supply, grab it while you can! Try to go to bed earlier; this will give you some extra rest and allow for more time to fall asleep, which can become increasingly difficult throughout pregnancy. If you can, work an afternoon nap into your schedule. As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll find that sleeping on your side is most comfortable (and best for your baby). Invest in a body pillow to help support your belly. Also, reading for even a few minutes right before bed can help you fall asleep faster.

Pamper yourself.

Whether it’s taking a long bath or getting a prenatal massage, spend some time in the months before your baby arrives doing something nice for yourself. Read a great book or magazine in bed, take yourself out to the movies, get a haircut, go on a shopping spree, and indulge your food cravings. Your body is doing incredible things; celebrate yourself.

Find quiet time.

With the hustle and bustle of baby showers, OB appointments, and preparing for baby, the last few months of pregnancy sometimes feel both too short and never-ending. Try to find a few moments each day to take a break from the world. Stay off social media, turn off your phone, and try to release the stress (good and bad) of your day. Go on a leisurely walk without your phone, do a guided meditation, light an amazing candle. Whatever you choose, know that it can be hard to find quiet with a newborn, so make sure to get some now.

Bottom line?

To some degree, a healthy pregnancy is about filtering out the stress-inducing information that comes your way and seeking out what makes you feel confident, comfortable, and empowered. No one is immune to worry, but anyone can choose to have a more positive mindset. Try to focus less on “what could happen” and simply listen to your body, which is full of wisdom. Trust it. 

Be you bravely,



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