Welcome to the Kindred Bravely Blog
We're dedicated to creating a community of moms who support each other on the motherhood journey. As a team of moms, we hope our blog will be a source of education and encouragement.
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By moms. For moms.

United in Motherhood: Five Benefits of Supporting Each Other on Our Parenting Journeys
We all desire the best for our children—for them to be happy and healthy, to feel loved and valued. The reality is, we will face challenges along the way, many...
United in Motherhood: Five Benefits of Supporting Each Other on Our Parenting Journeys
We all desire the best for our children—for them to be happy and healthy, to feel loved and valued. The reality is, we will face challenges along the way, many of which are probably shared by others. When we support...

Top Five Things to Consider When Cloth Diapering
Just picture it: your sweet babe with the most adorable tush decked out in the cutest print. Fluffy bottoms, adorable patterns—cloth diapering sounds like a dream, right? Take a step...
Top Five Things to Consider When Cloth Diapering
Just picture it: your sweet babe with the most adorable tush decked out in the cutest print. Fluffy bottoms, adorable patterns—cloth diapering sounds like a dream, right? Take a step back, Mama. While cloth diapering has many benefits, it may...

Do You Know How Amazing You Are?
In this fast-paced world of never-ending news, social media posts, and hyper-scheduled days, it’s so easy to feel like we’re not measuring up to all the moms out there who...
Do You Know How Amazing You Are?
In this fast-paced world of never-ending news, social media posts, and hyper-scheduled days, it’s so easy to feel like we’re not measuring up to all the moms out there who seem to be doing everything perfectly. Can I tell you...

6 Super Healthy Foods for Your Toddler This Spring
Spring is here. And so are the many delicious fruits and vegetables that spring brings. This is the perfect time for your family to indulge in the season’s best. It...
6 Super Healthy Foods for Your Toddler This Spring
Spring is here. And so are the many delicious fruits and vegetables that spring brings. This is the perfect time for your family to indulge in the season’s best. It will be a pleasant change from the winter menu, especially...

5 Unexpected Lessons from My First Year of Motherhood
When I found out I was pregnant, I was pretty sure I knew what motherhood would be like. I’m a teacher and have worked with children in some form or...
5 Unexpected Lessons from My First Year of Motherhood
When I found out I was pregnant, I was pretty sure I knew what motherhood would be like. I’m a teacher and have worked with children in some form or fashion for as long as I can remember. The oldest...

5 Ways to Connect with Your Partner After Having a Baby
Having a newborn is one of the most special times for you and your partner. There’s nothing like bringing home that precious bundle and settling into your new life together. With all...
5 Ways to Connect with Your Partner After Having a Baby
Having a newborn is one of the most special times for you and your partner. There’s nothing like bringing home that precious bundle and settling into your new life together. With all of the wonderful changes during this time, there are also...

Brave New Resolutions for Brave New Motherhood
Like many others, we’ve been talking a lot about resolutions and goals over the past few weeks. Since most of us have little ones at home, we saw a common...
Brave New Resolutions for Brave New Motherhood
Like many others, we’ve been talking a lot about resolutions and goals over the past few weeks. Since most of us have little ones at home, we saw a common thread in our wishes for the new year: our families.

I Was There Too
Guest blogger Erin Nelson opens up about motherhood: "When I reflect on my early days as a mother, especially when I had two children under the age of two, I...
I Was There Too
Guest blogger Erin Nelson opens up about motherhood: "When I reflect on my early days as a mother, especially when I had two children under the age of two, I realize that there were parts of motherhood that no one...

Top Five Freezer Meals to Make Before Baby
Kindred Bravely Facebook Manager Alix writes, "With my November due date feeling both far away and way too close, I’ve put my organization skills to their best possible use. I...
Top Five Freezer Meals to Make Before Baby
Kindred Bravely Facebook Manager Alix writes, "With my November due date feeling both far away and way too close, I’ve put my organization skills to their best possible use. I want to be as prepared as possible for when my...

Brave New Motherhood
A maelstrom of heightened emotions and changing hormones coupled with new mom exhaustion and a sense of isolation can make sanity feel elusive. Though you might encounter unexpected challenges with your growing...
Brave New Motherhood
A maelstrom of heightened emotions and changing hormones coupled with new mom exhaustion and a sense of isolation can make sanity feel elusive. Though you might encounter unexpected challenges with your growing family, you’ll also find yourself changing in amazing ways.

11 Ways to Bond with Your Newborn
Newborns rely on loving parents to soothe their sensory overload and meet their basic needs. Through this consistent caregiving, the parent-child bond grows. The beauty of this phase is that every...
11 Ways to Bond with Your Newborn
Newborns rely on loving parents to soothe their sensory overload and meet their basic needs. Through this consistent caregiving, the parent-child bond grows. The beauty of this phase is that every moment – when you gaze at your newborn, touch her...

Finding Community
I know a lot of moms who struggle to find community. They had a community before they had kids, but when they became mothers, things changed. Perhaps some of their...
Finding Community
I know a lot of moms who struggle to find community. They had a community before they had kids, but when they became mothers, things changed. Perhaps some of their friends weren’t ready for the new dynamics. And that’s fine....