Welcome to the Kindred Bravely Blog
We're dedicated to creating a community of moms who support each other on the motherhood journey. As a team of moms, we hope our blog will be a source of education and encouragement.
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By moms. For moms.

Real #MomLife in 11 Hilarious GIFs
We asked our Facebook moms to finish the phrase “Motherhood got me like…” with their favorite GIFs. The responses were hysterical, and they inspired us to write up a “typical...
Real #MomLife in 11 Hilarious GIFs
We asked our Facebook moms to finish the phrase “Motherhood got me like…” with their favorite GIFs. The responses were hysterical, and they inspired us to write up a “typical mom-day” with our favorites.

Sharing Our Blessings
Since November is a month of giving thanks, I wanted to share the gift of our BraveMoms' blessings with you. Their words filled my heart with happiness, gratitude, and a reminder...
Sharing Our Blessings
Since November is a month of giving thanks, I wanted to share the gift of our BraveMoms' blessings with you. Their words filled my heart with happiness, gratitude, and a reminder to keep celebrating the good in my life. I hope...

You're Just Right for Your Child
There's nothing my boys would rather do than have my full and undivided attention: no deadlines, no phone, no interruptions, just me and time to play...
You're Just Right for Your Child
There's nothing my boys would rather do than have my full and undivided attention: no deadlines, no phone, no interruptions, just me and time to play...

31 Terms Every Breastfeeding Mom Should Know
While every mom’s breastfeeding journey is unique, many words and phrases make a sudden appearance in everyone’s new vocabulary. Some of these are easy to understand, others may be a...
31 Terms Every Breastfeeding Mom Should Know
While every mom’s breastfeeding journey is unique, many words and phrases make a sudden appearance in everyone’s new vocabulary. Some of these are easy to understand, others may be a little confusing. Here, we’ve compiled some of our favorite, most...

Children Will Listen
Have you ever had a moment of real clarity? Someone once asked, “How do you know if you’re a successful parent?” That threw me a bit. I’d thought a lot...
Children Will Listen
Have you ever had a moment of real clarity? Someone once asked, “How do you know if you’re a successful parent?” That threw me a bit. I’d thought a lot about what it would mean for me to be a good parent,...

You Know You're a New Mom When…
Every Friday, Sophia, our Instagram Manager, asks a mom-related question. Since so many of our team members are moms of little ones, we loved reading the responses and swapping stories...
You Know You're a New Mom When…
Every Friday, Sophia, our Instagram Manager, asks a mom-related question. Since so many of our team members are moms of little ones, we loved reading the responses and swapping stories from our own #newmom days. Check out our favorite replies, and...

What I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with the ones we hold dearest – our little one/ones, significant others, and our dear friends and family. My family had our own Thanksgiving...
What I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with the ones we hold dearest – our little one/ones, significant others, and our dear friends and family. My family had our own Thanksgiving celebration this weekend, (before several families were traveling out of...